Author Topic: Onboard Computer  (Read 2760 times)


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Onboard Computer
« on: 29 March 2003, 14:24 »
Hi guys here's one for you all to ponder over. My battery went dead over the winter and I charged it up and the computer is just reading 49:95. How do I get it back to working properly again? Any ideas
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »

Offline a9wyn

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Re: Onboard Computer
« Reply #1 on: 31 March 2003, 00:53 »
i have had simular problems with my mk.1 conv.after winter storage that various displays on the mfi are all over the place 2 solutions have worked for me are......1. reconnect & disconnect the battery a few times(but not in quick succesion) it has a re-booting effect on the computer  2.... take the car for a good run this seems to have a "drying off" effect of the computer & various sensors eg.  air/oil temp but if the m.p.g. readout is still u/s i don't think you can do anything about that except have the mfi repaired/renewed  :)
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »