Author Topic: Millhausen - mk3 collector  (Read 23158 times)

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Millhausen - mk3 collector
« on: 21 November 2014, 14:01 »
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Re: Millhausen - mk3 collector
« Reply #1 on: 11 December 2014, 18:38 »
Been a into my Golfs since I can remember and have owned plenty over the years.

Started off with a Mk2 Gti as my first ever car at 18. Never got round to getting it on the road as I soon moved to Germany for a good 8 years.
Had some nice cars in Germany, having my first Mk3 'GT' over there in what I think was storm grey. Had RH Cups, KW suspension and the classic crystal lights, etc etc. Annoyed as I know I have an old picture somewhere that I can't find now.

Soon moved onto a newer car that an American soldier gave me, a lovely well looked after BMW E28 in black. Would love to still own it now.

Before I moved back to the UK I bought a 2001 Audi A3 Quattro in silver, lowered that and was running it on 18x8.5 Rial Daytona Race split rims. Lovely car to drive and very fun in the German winters.

Finally, when I moved back to the UK I purchased another Mk3. I'd been scouring the net whilst still in Germany and came across and nice 3 door Fjord Blue Gti, unfortunately only an 8v.
When I got home I went to look at the car, made a deal and drove it back to my house, but it kept stalling all the way home (didn't on the test drive!!) so was a little worried I'd bought a heap.
Luckily it was just a filthy throttle body and after a quick clean it ran perfectly. I proceeded to remove everything that made it look like a GTi, fit coilovers and luckily got my hands on some 17 x 8 OZ Super Ts. Below is the first picture I can find of it with said bits done....

Stupid ABS issues resulted in this....

Got some smaller tyres and lowered it some more after repairing the front end (picture is mid wash)

Also piled up some parts to change whilst the front end was being rebuilt. Long Fogs PROPER plates, textured grill and some Mk3.5 cabrio mirrors modified and 'texture blacked'

Split a brake hose so another piggy back on a truck...

Took the OZs off for a well needed refurb and ran some TT Ronals (still haven't finished the OZs!!)

Then bought the Mk4 for the 90 mile round trip to work (mk3 covered this mileage for a good couple of years) whilst I tackled some rust on the Mk3, and planned on an ABF conversion.

I decided it was too much for me to tackle on my driveway and said I would always go ahead and buy a 16v if I ever found one in Fjord Blue with 3 doors. I was always on the look out for one, and when I saw one come up in Scotland with 95k and non sunroof I put down a deposit and jumped on the train all the way from London!

Obviously I had to remove the bra and tow strap as soon as I got it home, along with transferring some parts from the 8v.

Quick spruce up....

Found some Polo (shorter) KW shocks to keep it low but retain some travel, and installed them with the camber adjustable top mounts. Then a little lowering.

Said good bye to the poor old girl

Apart from the engine and gearbox oil changes that pretty much brings me up to date. I'm still to refurb the OZs, they will be on once the weather gets better. I also have some Optiwerks skirts to go on but I'll save those for better weather also. Once the wheels are on I'll fit the 312mm brakes, rear drop plates and a few more bits that came off the old one.

All the above has happened over a good few years, until purchasing the 16v in September this year. I'm going to pull my finger out over the next few months and get this one up to a much better standard than the 8v and hope to take it to a lot of shows next year!!

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Re: Millhausen - mk3 collector
« Reply #2 on: 31 January 2015, 13:45 »
Great project car and would really like to do the same to mine. Have you ever taken it on track?
Audi TT 3.2 24v v6 2005 - The Sloth - Weekends
VW Golf 2.0 8v GTI 1996 - Lemonade II -Daily
MNR Vortx Yamaha R1 2009 - Track days
Sold Seat Leon Cupra R 225 -LM04 NDE "Lemonade"

Offline Millhausen

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Re: Millhausen - mk3 collector
« Reply #3 on: 15 September 2015, 16:50 »
Totally forgot about this thread.

Lots of updates to come when it's out of paint.

I've also hunted down a set of OZ Super Ts in 17 x 9 so may run then with my 8s for a staggered set up.

Bigger brakes to go on, and few other little trick bits and bobs. If it's not raining when it comes out of paint I'll get cracking straight away.