Just wondering how many of the failed tensioners are on re mapped cars? Could this add to the likely hood of this happening? I'm a recent owner of an 11 plate GTI with only 16k on and toying with a stage 1 in new year.
Also will VW change the tensioner for the new type if I ask them or will they argue against it?
Read my post on page one. It explains what fails. If you still dont understand it I will try and explain it further.
11 plate cars have an uprated tensioner compared to 09 early 10 cars (see my post on page 1).
It can still fail on 2011 cars but the failure rate world wide seems to be less
Milage or power also have nothing to do with it, think when is the ratchet used?
VW will change it but charge you ~ £1200 They only replace things that fail under warrenty (also see my post on page 2)