Author Topic: How to refurbish alloys at home.  (Read 1686 times)


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How to refurbish alloys at home.
« on: 05 February 2012, 13:21 »
you can put any paint over powder coat as it is a workable surface (unlike chrome or anodised).

For taking out curb marks start at 180 ,240, then etch prime. (available in cans now).
wet flat the wheel with 800 and use grey scotch(if metallic) or red scotch(solid colour) to get into the areas of the corners.

A little tip!! if you have big stone chips in the wheel it is better to nic a small bit of fine filler into this then wetflat then it is to try and feather out the layers of paint or powdercoat as this will take forever and has to be done properly.

it is better to go and get the tyres bead broken as this makes iv so much easier, if these are not a colour change then back mask or fill the back of the rim with paper .(mask a neat line on the inner rim first). Over spray on the inside of the wheels can make brake dust stick like mad.
I suggest spray the 3 colour coats then leave over night then wet flat again with 800 then another 3 coats.
once cured about 20 mins then 3 coats of clear.

This is all based on a home style re ferb not what i would do in the workshop.

hope this helps
scott @ specialist paintworks.