Hi Guys,
The time has come to get some new side repeaters, at the moment i have some rubbish tinted from a can efforts from the previous owner, shody indeed. My car is tornado red an I have 16v rear tail lights so I am wondering which of the following options to go for:
1. Clear
2. Clear crystal stylee
3. Smoked.
I have only seen pictures of the crystal style repeaters on ebay and i don't know if they would look a bit 'modern' on a mk2 or whether it would look good and does anybody know what the quality is like from people like'golfnutz'?. I have seen that venom do some 'chrome' repeaters but don't know what these look like really. Any advice welcome. I think I may end up going with the clear crystal but I thought i'd see what everyone elses opinion was first!