Author Topic: Genuine front wings  (Read 4029 times)

Offline clipperjay

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Re: Genuine front wings
« Reply #20 on: 10 October 2010, 18:49 »
 Ben remember our conversation about the old Skool lot?  :wink:

I don't think Ben has any bad press on his advice as he has rebuilt his Whole fing golf from scratch!(insane or love?)
Lets face it if you don't primer and paint the wing no matter how good the material is its gonna rust!
I've seen brand new vag wings being fitted covered in scratches on the in side ready and waiting for rust to creep in, but did they listen no. Then I've seen cheap arsed fellas who understand if the material is weak and they put sh!t loads of primer and coats of paint to properly seal up a pattern part wing have they rusted? errrrr no. So my point is the part is only going to be as good as the person fitting it, painting it & sealing it i.e Arches!
I love a good gang bang!  :kiss: