Author Topic: Red Vento - Get low mofo - now cleaned  (Read 6836 times)

Offline Jimp

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Red Vento - Get low mofo - now cleaned
« on: 28 May 2010, 18:20 »
I posted this in the mk3 section but I think that the Dub Rides section would be more appropriate.
Finished fitting coilovers to my Vento yesterday. Fitted the rears on Sunday, fitted the fronts yesterday. My dad helped me with the install and once we knew what we were doing it all went smoothly. For two people who have never done something like this before, it was actually alright. Very DIY friendly :afro: Now for the pictures:
Before, stock ride height, 14 inch black steels


I can't tell you how low it is, haven't measured. I can tell you that I need to roll the front/rear wheels on to some wood blocks before my jack can fit under it  :grin:
The rears have settled down a bit, the fronts still have to settle. Would have gotten centre caps but when I went to order them last week it turned out someone had hacked my Paypal account so both my Paypal and credit card are on lockdown at the moment  :sad:.
Got the car taxed today and took it for a drive to settle everything in after being off the road for a while. Was a bit wobbly at first but everything is sweet now. The brake peddal is a little juddery and there is a small pull to the left sometimes so I'll need to get the alignment checked, but that problem rarely popped up and the car is otherwise fine. Here's a picture of the car on it's first day out on the coils:

The front is still settling but it's looking better than yesterday. Going to wash the car tomorrow so it's ready for the Limerick VW show on Sunday  :cool:
Thanks for reading :smiley:
« Last Edit: 29 May 2010, 16:10 by Jimp »
Not low enough mk5
Not on the road enough mk3

Offline JC

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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo
« Reply #1 on: 28 May 2010, 18:23 »
looks sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet  :cool:

another Booted motor :afro:  its all about the trunk size  :laugh:

Offline archie837

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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo
« Reply #2 on: 28 May 2010, 18:28 »
mate what a difference - looks so good. Yous should keep an eye out for an early 4 bar grill - pretty costly, but they make the front look really nice as they don't have massive wishbones at the sides
Project longterm Airbanger.

PD150 Anni daily

Offline Andy-H

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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo
« Reply #3 on: 28 May 2010, 20:18 »
Looking good Mate :afro:

Like the colour of that  :cool:
'95 Mystic blue Mk3 2.0l 8v - gone
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'02 A4 Quattro sport - gone
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Offline Jimp

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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo
« Reply #4 on: 29 May 2010, 15:54 »
A guy I know cleaned the car today. He did a bang up job of restoring the paint. There are a few marks or scratches from age and the lacquer on the spoiler is flaking a bit but the rest is in great condition. Spoiler needs to be resprayed at some stage but it's not a priority by any means. He also spotted water bubbling from one of the tyres, brought it to my local tyre guy and he said the wrong size tube was used in it. 16 inch tube on a 15 inch tyre!  :shocked: It was folded and had ruptured inside. I was lucky it was spotted as even in the short journey from the detailer to the tyre place it had lost a lot of air  :lipsrsealed:. All is well and good now. Still a bit bumpy braking from 60mph and pulls to the left a tad on the bumpier roads but otherwise has settled in a lot nicer. Front has evened out a bit too  :cool:

Height at the front. Bit better than yesterday. Glad I'm not running a VR splitter, it would never make it over some of the bumps in town.

You can see some chips in the paint here, but the rest cleaned up nicely. This is the worst of it on the passenger side rear door.

Representin'  :tongue: Reflections too.


All ready for the show tomorrow now. As long as birds don't crap all over the car that is  :grin:
« Last Edit: 29 May 2010, 15:58 by Jimp »
Not low enough mk5
Not on the road enough mk3

Offline JC

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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo - now cleaned
« Reply #5 on: 29 May 2010, 16:31 »
looks sweeeeet  :cool:

Offline Rhyso

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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo - now cleaned
« Reply #6 on: 29 May 2010, 16:53 »
I like  :cool: :cool: :cool:


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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo - now cleaned
« Reply #7 on: 29 May 2010, 17:44 »
How many TV vhannels do you get with the NASA sized dish ? :grin:

Offline Mikester

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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo - now cleaned
« Reply #8 on: 29 May 2010, 18:13 »
Looks really sweet, like the front and rear splitters on it also! NICE!

Offline Jimp

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Re: Red Vento - Get low mofo - now cleaned
« Reply #9 on: 29 May 2010, 19:02 »
Thanks for the comments everyone  :smiley:
How many TV vhannels do you get with the NASA sized dish ? :grin:
Quite a few  :grin: It's to do with my dad's company, they supply digital TV amongst other things.
Not low enough mk5
Not on the road enough mk3