Author Topic: GROOVED DISCS & PADS  (Read 3874 times)

Offline Len

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« on: 19 November 2009, 09:33 »

     Re: black diamond disks...what pads
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2009, 12:28 » Quote 

Quote from: Mikester on November 12, 2009, 12:16
Grooved and drilled discs look cool.


What other reason do you need? its a mk3, there are diesel fords quicker.

good reply - my thoughts exactly!!

i personally like the difference in feel on mine!!
the more you give the more they work!


     Re: black diamond disks...what pads
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2009, 18:01 » Quote 

Quote from: Paul86S2 on November 12, 2009, 13:53
For what its worth:

Drilled discs allow the build up of gasses from the brake pads disperse which should stop the brakes feeling spongy under heavy prolonged use. Also lighter for less unsprung weight and allow a bit more cooling. Downside is that they are prone to cracking between the holes and they wear the pads down quicker. You really need an uneven pattern of holes so that the pads wear evenly.

Grooved discs also allow the build up of gasses to disperse. They are also said to clean the pads to stop glazing. Downside is they will wear your pads down quicker.

Drilled and grooved both the above.

Can't see the point of either on a normal use road car.

I've got drilled on mine, so far only one hairline crack between two holes. The hole pattern is an even design which has left the discs with an uneven wear but hasn't affected braking performance. Went for drilled to try and aid cooling but they still get hot enough to melt the paint on the wheels.


I think it depends on how hard the driver is on brakes…as we’ve discussed before.

I run grooved because I find the removal of the gas layer helps when they get close to fading due to overheating – and that’s on 312mm discs with M1155/F4R pads.

They work…gives longer before fading than solid faced discs…proven time and time again…for my driving style….maybe they do wear down the disc quicker, but in my experience, harder (performance) pads are very aggressive anyway…so you’ll wear the discs out quickly anyway. My last 3 or 4 sets of grooved discs/pads have been replaced with the pads worn and the discs at minimum thickness.

Cross-drilled discs crack…they all do…even the pukka Porsche ones.

I managed to destroy a full set of 4 996 Turbo spec  brakes in 9000 miles – with the discs worn out, blued to buggery  and with all the holes cracking between them…so no cross-drilled discs are immune. The remainder of the pad material (not a lot!) also fell apart as we changed them…

GT3 upgrades are grooved only…which maybe tells you something.


     Re: black diamond disks...what pads
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2009, 18:19 » Quote 

Quote from: paultownsend on November 12, 2009, 18:15
iv 280's on my mk2 and i found brembo grooved/predator pads poop. iv some mintex m1144's to go on this weeken, so il let you know monday!

personally, id go oe vag again

Predator pads are terrible!
Not worth the effort fitting them...
M1144s are pretty good though Paul. Those, M1155s or DS2500/3000s would be my choice.

Mintex Racing F4Rs are like throwing out an anchor - they make your eyes hurt...but squeal like a pig on light use...and you'll spend a week getting the brake dust off the side of the car if you get them avoided on a daily!

I'm currently running 312mm Black Diamond grooved with M1155s (I think...may be M1144s though) and they are spot on. Never lacking, not too noisy, they don't squeal, they work from cold and they don't overheat. They just work. 
Certainly depends on how hard you are on the brakes. With mine they are either full on or off for the majority of their use. Smallish airfield tracks are very hard on the brakes with short straights which aren't long enough to get a decent cool down between corners. For continual hard braking I too would recomment grooved or drilled discs to remove the gas layer. Pad compound and the glue used to hold the compound together also has a big impact on the gas produced.

As far as all drilled discs crack I would tend to agree with you, but as I said mine only have one small crack and that is after approx 15 plus trackdays.

The previous pads in mine have been mintex xtreme, then mintex 1144's and now mintex 1155's. The 1155's are harder compound so we'll see what they do to the discs.

Porsche are funny about their brakes, their competition department wouldn't touch grooved discs a few years ago and would only use drilled when we asked them. Everything changes though.

I know one thing for sure I won't be using any other pads than Mintex - I've done back to back track sessions with no fade whatsoever, at the changeover the brakes were smoking but they still performed.


Quote from: Paul86S2 on November 12, 2009, 18:50
Porsche are funny about their brakes, their competition department wouldn't touch grooved discs a few years ago and would only use drilled when we asked them. Everything changes though.

They quite possibly still won't...bad PR with the 'better' cars getting cross drilled discs and all.

The aftermarket upgrades by the Pros (AP, Manthay, 9ff, RUF etc) all offer grooved rotors...not drilled.

It's degrees of brilliance we are speaking of though...the 911 brakes will outbrake most things road or track...and even with cracked and blued discs and cooked pads, they were still awesome.
Just with new genuine discs and DS2500 pads, they were better - more bite at the top of the pedal stroke.

I know one thing for sure I won't be using any other pads than Mintex - I've done back to back track sessions with no fade whatsoever, at the changeover the brakes were smoking but they still performed.

I used to run Mintex M1144s in my ITR and they were amazing...never faded.
Tried others (Pagid, EBC, Ferodo) and back on Mintex in the Golf.
As you say..they just keep working.

I have EBC red stuff on my carrera.  They are certainly no better than the standard ones they replaced and don't inspire confidence due to the lack of feel although they are lasting a while, I'll be triing DS2500 or DS3000 next.

DS2500s worked really well on my 996 C4S. More initial bite than standard...and just as east to modulate when used hard.


     Re: black diamond disks...what pads
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2009, 17:45 » Quote 

i was going to go for the ds2500's. but there nearly £100 posted!
got the 1144's online for less than half of that. no brainer

« Last Edit: 19 November 2009, 09:35 by Len »
Mystic Blue Mk3 16v + Black Mk5 Gti 05 plate + Peugeot 405 Mi16

Offline Len

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« Reply #1 on: 19 November 2009, 09:41 »
As Mods wouldnt take the hint!
I have put pertinent info here so it dont get lost!
Mystic Blue Mk3 16v + Black Mk5 Gti 05 plate + Peugeot 405 Mi16