20th October 2002:
Ok, first things first, I need to find out how 'tired' this engine is. 50p for a replacement core plug, topped up the coolant, charged battery and cranked. It took a good 30 seconds of cranking to get the fuel pressure up and then she started; first time in over 5 years

However, she wasn't running well, very lumpy, reluctant to idle, cutting out. I decided to check the cylinder compressions. My suspicions were confirmed:-
Engine warm, dry check: 70/110/95/110 psi
Engine warm, wet check: 100/150/150/150 psi
My conclusion was that the engine was generally worn with excessive wear to number 1 bore. This was confirmed later that evening after removing the cylinder head. At the very least I would need a rebore and oversize pistons, but to do the job properly, a complete overhaul is in order.
So the engine needs to come out. I thought now, before removing the engine, would be a good time to see what was wrong with the gearbox. I knew that there was a problem with 5th gear: it was possible to engage 5th gear but nothing happened, the engine simply revved freely. I drained the gearbox oil, at least I think that was what it was! It was like liquid metal (mercury) with bits of metal dropping out!